Freelancers Guide To ELSTER
No matter where it is you hail from, submitting your tax filings here in Germany will likely be a much more thorough process, requiring a lot more attention to detail and impeccable record keeping. Here in Germany, one of the most effective ways to manage this outside of hiring a Steuerberater is a portal called ELSTER (which is a portmanteau of Electronic and *Steuer*). Since its release, there are many other electronic platforms with which you can use to generate tax summaries. We are going to explore ELSTER in this article however, as it is the most comprehensive and direct way for individuals to submit their filings. The submission of filings are extensive protocols, and forthcoming on the Kontist blog will be more in depth and step-by-step processes to do this. In this article, we will explore the initial points of familiarisation with the tool that are highly necessary as foundational knowledge.
Kate Bailey
Freelance Editor