Economic interests and/or regional need
An economic interest is given, if, for example, considerable investments and/or the creation or securing of a significant number of jobs, or the sustainable improvement in the sales or market opportunities of residing companies is recognisable, or the establishment of a production plant for qualified technical (sustainable) or particularly environmental friendly products is planned. It is possible that even the intensification of competition in a particular market segment, in which only a few companies were active, can justify the positive evaluation of a project and approve the economic interest. On the other hand, the acceptance of "economic interest" would generally be declined in the case of pure retail trade companies or service providers on account of their overall lesser economic significance for the region. Especially here, however, the "regional need" (to be examined as an alternative criteria) offers possibilities for reasons of supply or other local level political reasons to be included in the decision-making process. The question of supply (too little/too much) of the region with particular goods or services is the essential evaluation criteria.
Positive impact on the local economy
There is a key assumption here, that being, that a business which is successful and in which all parties pay and register for appropriate fees as per their legal obligations, will create a positive impact on the economy. However, certain criterion in rare cases can guide the IHK assessment away from this:
QUOTE ‘’Indications that give rise to fears of a lack of positive effects on the economy, can particularly lie within the applicant himself, i.e. he lacks the reliability required for the pursuance of a certain business (e.g. due to relevant criminal, fiscal, social security misconduct in the past) or he lacks the professional requirements (e. g. master certificate examination in a skilled trade or expert knowledge examination in road haulage is missing).’’
Basically, your background will play a role in such an assessment. Ideally, this is applicable to a very few and in very extreme circumstances.
Alongside the above clear guide points, IHK are also the go to experts when it comes to financing options and ideas for foreign business. Each IHK office will have a dedicated specialist who can assist you exploring these ideas. The IHK exist to ensure prosperity in business, and it is in your interests to ensure not only compliance but also a good understanding of the organisation if it is applicable to your self employment status.