
Exclusively for expertlead freelancers

Banking with Maximum Efficiency

Automate your finances from banking to taxes and focus on what really gets you and your customers ahead - with Kontist.

Seemless finance management from banking to taxes

Our offer for expertlead freelancers: Your free Kontist Premium business account for 6 months.

Kontist Premium business account
Exclusively for expertlead freelancers
0.00 / month

Get Kontist Premium free for 6 months and simplify your administrative tasks.

Instant access to your german IBAN and your Kontist account within 10 minutes.

Time saving features like tax forecasting and the accounting integration.

Friendly and competent live support via chat and telephone.

24/7 secure access to your account via the Kontist app plus a Visacard for you and your business.

Real-Time Tax Forecasting

Kontist automatically calculates upcoming tax payments and your true net income, which provides helps you see your finances clearly.

Money for tax and VAT payments is automatically funnelled to two dedicated sub-accounts and deducted from them when you pay the tax office.

Additionally, your account can be linked seamlessly to popular accounting softwares so you’ll save lots of time and never forget a receipt again.
